Professional Web Design Services

With the expansion of the internet and its penetration among people, websites emerged that transformed traditional businesses and moved them into the digital space. Initially, some individuals resisted these changes, but with the rapid advancement of technology, they realized that to compete and grow, they needed an online presence. Having a website allows businesses to go beyond the local level and be seen across Iran and even worldwide. As a web design company, we are ready to provide professional website design and SEO services. If needed, feel free to contact our experts.

Do you have any ideas for making money from a website?

Ideas for making money through a website are vast and diverse, and the good news is that in today’s digital world, any idea has the potential to grow and become profitable. Many successful websites that generate significant revenue today started with a simple idea and gradually expanded.

As a web design company, we will highlight some successful websites to inspire you and encourage you to identify your talents and interests. Think about how you can turn them into a profitable website. The path to success begins with a small idea—so start building your online business today!

Websites with Unbelievable Earnings

If you visit NiniSite, you’ll be met with a large number of advertisements across different sections. At first glance, the content appears to be nothing more than various discussion threads and Q&A interactions among users. However, the interesting fact is that this seemingly simple website attracts around 107 million visits per month! Such high traffic translates into a massive opportunity for monetization through advertising. Brands are willing to pay significant amounts to advertise on a site like this because of its highly engaged audience. This example proves that even a simple idea, if it encourages user interaction and frequent visits, can turn into a highly profitable online business.

At first glance, this website may look like an online store, as you can see various types of products displayed. However, upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that there is no option for direct purchase. In reality, this site is not a seller itself but rather a comparison platform that brings together prices, specifications, and quality ratings of products from different online stores. This way, users don’t have to visit multiple websites to compare items. The platform charges a subscription fee for its services, but since it makes shopping easier for users, it has gained significant popularity.

Divar is a well-known name for many users. Most people recognize this platform as a free intermediary for buying and selling goods. However, it’s interesting to know that the primary source of Divar’s revenue comes from job listings, as posting such ads requires a fee. Given the high number of visitors, many job ads are published on the site every day.

Amazon initially started as an online bookstore, but today it has become one of the largest e-commerce giants in the world. This remarkable growth not only led to the company’s success but also made its founder one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. Amazon’s success is the result of launching an online platform that initially sold only books, but gradually attracted more users and expanded its product range. Today, you can find everything on this site, from books to various digital goods, clothing, household items, and even rare products.

Digikala is the Iranian version of Amazon and the largest online store in Iran, offering a wide range of products online across the country. The platform was founded by two brothers who initially launched a small website to sell cameras, driven by their personal interest in photography. Over time, their business grew and expanded, eventually evolving into the Digikala of today—an online marketplace now used by millions of users to purchase various products.

Faradars is one of the most successful websites in the field of education, offering a wide range of educational and specialized courses in various fields. These courses are created by experts in each domain, and many users benefit from them. Some courses are available for free, while others require payment to access.

Varzesh3 is the most reputable football website in Iran, providing users with the latest news and events related to the sport. Given the worldwide popularity of football, it’s no surprise that the site attracts a large audience. This high number of visitors has made Varzesh3 one of the most visited websites in Iran, allowing it to generate significant revenue through various types of advertisements.

Contact with Dayan Experts

We are a web design service company. If you have any questions regarding web design services or SEO services, feel free to contact us.

خدمات طراحی سایت

Frequently Asked Questions about Web Design Services

Since no individual, web design company, or organization is created without either for-profit or non-profit goals, it can be said that all of them need to have a website relevant to their activity and business. Anyone or any company that wishes to offer their products, services, or information to their audience needs to have a website.

You can create a blog for free or use “free website design on Google.” Alternatively, with some basic technical knowledge, you can set up a simple website for yourself. However, these types of websites will certainly not compare to the professional websites created by reputable web design companies.

While the IT services tariff for web design companies is outlined in the guidelines issued by the Iranian Computer Trade Union, which includes a formula for calculating the salaries of web design specialists, the lack of strict supervision over web design companies and the unstable market and economy in the country, along with the decline in business ethics in Iran, has weakened adherence to these official tariffs. It is better for customers to focus their efforts on finding a reputable company with a good reputation to ensure they are not taken advantage of.

No, the programming language does not affect the quality or price of the work. It’s important to know that, although a specialist skilled in one programming language may generally charge higher fees compared to a colleague proficient in another language, and despite claims from web design companies that their expertise in any language makes their work superior, the truth is that the programming language itself does not create a difference in the quality of the output. Instead, it’s the technical knowledge, tools, techniques, expertise, and the goodwill of the execution team that determines the quality and efficiency of the final project.

As mentioned in the previous question, the answer to this one is also no. There are people who set up WordPress for as low as 200,000 Toman, and others who charge as much as 20 million Toman for the same platform. The same applies to Joomla, PHP, Laravel, and others. Therefore, aside from the claims made by web design companies, who try to make their expertise in any CMS sound superior, the reality is that the quality and efficiency of the final project are determined much more by the technical knowledge, tools, techniques, expertise, and goodwill of the execution team than by the type of content management system used.

No, if the question refers to custom graphic design for the website, then it’s important to clarify that at Dayan Net, even though we work on the WordPress platform, we don’t use pre-made themes. Instead, we create custom themes tailored to the client’s preferences and our expertise. Not all WordPress developers work with pre-made templates!

As a web design company, we offer the following explanation in response to this question:

  • The core of WordPress and many of the plugins built on it are free, and as long as the customer takes the time to set up WordPress themselves, no cost will be incurred for the website design. However, everywhere in the world, when you entrust the design of a theme, WordPress setup, data entry, hosting, and support of this “free” WordPress platform to a web design company, a fee will be charged.
  • Who are you comparing our prices to? If you are comparing us to freelancers, the comparison itself is incorrect. Are you comparing the quality and output of an established company with an administrative, legal, and financial team, professional graphic designers, data entry operators, customer support staff, information architecture, and more to that of a single freelancer?
  • Dayan Net is one of the most reputable web design companies in the country, and in comparison to other reputable companies, our prices are not high at all.
  • The needs analysis process we conduct is something other web design companies do not offer. The same goes for information architecture, gathering client content, and complete data entry.
  • One possibility is that the person asking the question hasn’t designed a website in a long time and doesn’t realize that today, printing 1,000 quality business cards costs at least 2 million Toman, and a freelancer will charge at least 2 to 10 million Toman for a website. Of course, there are still some who design websites for under 500,000 Toman, but it’s clear what kind of website they deliver to their clients.

Today, adding another language to a website, especially when it is built with global open-source systems that support multilingual features as one of their first features, is not a very complex or difficult task. The translation of the website content is the responsibility of the client, and the design company may face some challenges in terms of right-to-left formatting. At Dayan Net, we charge approximately 25% extra for each additional language in the project. However, for companies that use Iranian CMS platforms or their own locally developed systems, the pricing logic and tariffs for multilingual website design may differ from what we have mentioned.

The cost of website design varies from one web design company to another. However, in general, if you want a good website, you should expect to pay at least 10 million Toman or more.

Host or Hosting refers to the space where your website’s files and information are stored and made available on the internet. The amount of hosting space is directly related to the amount of content you want to upload to your site.

Domain is the address you enter in your browser to access a website. For example, our website’s address is:

The website address is actually what you or your company have registered, and users access your site through it. Some people have already purchased a domain for their website. However, if you still don’t have an idea for your website’s name, you can seek help from Dayan experts.

This depends on your specific situation. If the majority of your website’s users are in Iran, it’s better to have your server and hosting located in a geographic area close to you, such as within Iran. If your customers are primarily in another country, you can opt for hosting in that country. This is important for the loading speed of the website for users in that specific country.

The Dayan Shabakeh web design company, with its extensive experience in web design and professional SEO, is familiar with hosting and domain service providers. Therefore, if clients have not purchased a domain or hosting yet, it is recommended that they consult with our technical support team before purchasing, to receive advice on which company and which type of hosting to choose.

Yes, there is no guaranteed solution to completely prevent data loss on your website, but Dayan Net minimizes the risk of data loss by performing weekly backups of your site.

Yes, depending on the package you choose, the training will either be provided as a recorded video tutorial sent to you, or it will be delivered in person, remotely, or online by our technical support team.

WordPress is the king of content management systems in the world and is far superior to Iranian website builder systems. For comparison, consider the following:

  • If our website builder has 300 modules, WordPress has 28,000 plugins. If 7-8 of our staff members work on programming and developing our system, WordPress benefits from the contributions of 21,000 developers from around the world. If, in ten years, only a thousand websites are built with our internal site builder, WordPress has managed to capture 35% of all websites worldwide in the same time period!
  • Just like in the automotive or aerospace industries, unfortunately, domestic and Iranian products have no competitive or qualitative advantage over their foreign counterparts. The same is true for the software industry. The engineering knowledge of a software development team in the corner of a company in Iran will never reach the level of analysis, infrastructure, and standards of international software.
  • To understand the topic, it’s enough to know that Google changes its search algorithms 80 times a year and optimizes them! Which Iranian company has the ability to update its source code 80 times a year in line with Google’s latest changes? The global WordPress ecosystem does this with its widespread collaboration.

However, the negative views some specialists or other web design companies might have about WordPress stem from one of two reasons:

  • The company or specialist may have developed their own CMS and, therefore, must criticize the most reputable global system to deceive the customer.
  • Or they’ve had a bad experience with WordPress because they didn’t delve deeply into it, didn’t follow its standards, used cracked plugins, and didn’t commit to regular updates of WordPress and its plugins. Naturally, in such a flawed environment, problems arise, and they become suspicious of WordPress.

At Dayan Shabakeh, we use WordPress in a different way. While our WordPress is the same global WordPress, how each web design company selects and utilizes the right 40-50 plugins out of the 28,000 available plugins differs from one company to another. What we do at Dayan Shabakeh is fully aligned with global standards and, of course, is completely different from the approach that, unfortunately, is common in Iran.

Yes and No! In fact, we should ask ourselves, which WordPress are we talking about?

  • If we are referring to the WordPress used by many teams, freelancers, or companies who, to save effort and avoid dealing with complexities, use free resources, quickly and improperly set up sites for unsuspecting customers, then yes. This WordPress, filled with nulled plugins and hosted on non-dedicated servers with improper configuration, where the core and plugins don’t receive regular updates, is indeed insecure, slow, and weak!
  • However, when it comes to WordPress in the method used by Dayan Shabakeh, where all plugins are purchased, a custom theme is designed from scratch for the customer, and it is set up on the best data centers with configurations specifically optimized for maximum performance, you will find that WordPress, just like the rest of the world, is the safest, fastest, most user-friendly, and powerful content management system in the world.

We know what you’ve heard from other companies about WordPress:

  • They say that because WordPress is open-source and its source code is freely available to hackers, they know exactly what’s inside and can easily hack it. Whereas, they claim, our internal CMS is safer and more reliable because its source code is not accessible to anyone but us!
  • This is a huge fallacy. It’s like claiming that a large, several hundred square meter space with glass walls and multiple floodlights that illuminate it like daylight, with 21,000 developers constantly watching it, is filled with bugs and filth compared to a dark, damp basement that hasn’t been opened for years!
  • The reason hackers target WordPress is that it has successfully captured 35% of the world’s websites, and hackers are not motivated to spend time looking into internal site-building systems that have only launched a few thousand websites.
  • On the other hand, because of the continuous efforts of hackers, all bugs and flaws in WordPress have been identified over the years, and new patches for any vulnerabilities are regularly released by its vast ecosystem. As long as updates are received (which is a crucial practice that is often neglected in Iran), WordPress is much more secure than local systems, which are often full of unchecked security holes and vulnerabilities.
  • They also claim that WordPress struggles with large amounts of content and high traffic.
  • This is also a major misconception. At Dayan Shabakeh, we categorically reject this claim. Just like foreign cars outperform domestic ones in speed and fuel efficiency, WordPress can handle large amounts of content and traffic efficiently!

The most reputable, high-traffic news, informational, government, and e-commerce websites around the world run on this ecosystem. How could it be that WordPress has such a large share of the global market, but struggles when traffic increases or data grows?

Yes, of course, the poorly configured WordPress in Iran, which isn’t set up properly, lacks proper configuration, and is filled with nulled plugins with backdoors installed, will indeed slow down and become inefficient. But properly configured WordPress, on the right servers, is incredibly efficient and scalable.

Firstly, they are lying shamefully, as they do not actually program from scratch for you, and secondly, even if they do so, it is completely wrong and a huge mistake.

In the world of software, whenever a system is programmed from scratch, in addition to wasting time and incurring high costs, you will be the first user, and you will undoubtedly experience many bugs, numerous problems, unanticipated issues, security weaknesses, and an immature user interface.

For informational websites or even e-commerce websites, what exactly makes your website’s functionality so unique and different from other content management systems that requires the project to be coded from scratch? The only thing that should truly be custom-made for the client is the website’s graphics, visual identity, and design template, which naturally differ from one client to another. This should be unique and tailored to the client’s preferences, their target audience, and the nature of the website, which is what we at DayanNet do — we design the graphical template of the site completely custom from scratch for our clients.

However, does the functionality of adding menus to the site, posting news, the internal search engine, creating electronic forms, managing comments, and so on, really differ significantly from similar features in other informational sites? Or the functionality of adding products, multi-level categorization, comparing product specifications, adding to the shopping cart, and payment processes—what really makes these functions so different that they require programming from scratch?

The only time it makes sense to develop a custom system from scratch is when your needs do not align with those of others. And you can be sure that no software company has previously developed such a system for covering the general needs of customers, with the cost spread out, bugs addressed, and a variety of needs implemented. For example, when you want to implement a unique or startup-based website that the world has not seen before.

Interestingly, these very design companies that claim to provide custom programming know this principle well. The ones who take advantage of people’s limited knowledge by presenting programming from scratch as a special benefit, are in fact never writing everything from scratch for every customer, because it is not feasible and not cost-effective. Instead, they program a website builder or content management software once and then simply change the design template for each project, otherwise, each web design project would take over a year!

In reality, these companies, rather than admitting to their fatal mistake in programming their content management systems with a weak, flawed approach to software engineering and architecture, prefer to mislead customers by claiming to reinvent the wheel. However, the wheel they create is one that lacks even a thousandth of the refinements of reputable international content management systems, in an attempt to prevent customers from choosing proven, well-known open-source solutions.